Friday, October 17, 2008

A Flaw of the Blood by Stephanie (?) Baron

This is another mystery from Laura. I have been reading a lot of mysteries lately thanks to Laura feeling good enough to want to read again and then passing some of her books onto me. This author had written an earlier series where Jane Austen was the sleuth and they were okay- but definitely not great. This book was even worse. It is a mystery set around the time of the death of Queen Victoria's husband Prince Albert. Here is my issue. When you write a historical novel with such well known characters and time period you have to have done a tremendous amount of research. Ms. Baron failed to do this. Putting the gross historical inaccuracies aside the book was still not any good. WHY are we expected to believe that this young women was bright enough to graduate from Edinburgh Medical college, to be a scientific advisor to the late Prince Consort- but is too stupid to not send for her things at her home when she goes into hiding. Well you say she is not a spy- just a young woman who doesn't realize how to hide effectively. Not so I say- this incident happens at the end of the book after hiding on the continent for months, sneaking out of one place after another as the bad guys track them down, after countless physical fights and shoot outs. No after all of these close calls- this"brilliant" woman still sends to her home for her luggage with a note saying where she is hiding. This is just one of countless things that made me grit my teeth while reading the book. Also if you are going to do a medical mystery on something from history do it on something that wasn't recently solved (and even more embarrassing she got it wrong). By the way it was solved several years before the book was published.