Saturday, February 14, 2009

A New Found Gem

I promise I promise I am almost done with the Peabody Sisters and am loving it and marking lots of passages for sharing and thought provoking discussion- only this isn't really a discussion so much as a lecture.

The reason I haven't finished it is I have discovered a new favorite mid-century romance writer (does using the term mid century make sound less trashy?). Anyways- as most of you know I love love love a trashy romance novel. I love the orphans, the amnesia, the plain girl who is really beautiful, the jaded duke who secretly has a soft spot that only can be revealed by the spunky out spoken scamp who doesn't care for social standards, the faithful family retainers, the pesky and adorable younger siblings, the mistaken understandings caused by evil yet beautiful ex-mistresses or cousins. What is not to love? In two words- the porn. This is why I love the old romance novels- all the good trash and it ends with a kiss- and that is all folks. Why why can't they be written this way anymore? So on the blog A Voice of Reason she did a post about her favorite romantic books- and most of them were respectable books that a librarian would recommend (including one of my all time favorites- I Capture the Castle sadly all but one or two I had already read) but in the discussion this one Author kept being mentioned and everyone loved her books. When I did a search on the library website I know- only romance and western authors could be so prolific. So move over Betty Neels English nurses falling in love with Dutch doctors (really how can one women have written so many books with this same premise- yet I love them still every single little plain nurse who is shocked- shocked I tell you when the doctor kisses her on the last page)I have found a new 60s romance novel writer- Georgette Heyers. Ahhhhh It is wonderful. I started with what was agreed to be her best book by the discussion Frederica and it did not disappoint. All the elements required in a good romance- with enough laughs to keep it fun. Oh I loved it and will be checking out all her other books from the library. I read a second one- but as enjoyable as it was it just wasn't quite as good. Even though I do admire the gall to make a book centered around a heroine who is sadly so young to still be shallow, self centered, and excessively foolish (of course her dear Earl heals her of these faults) this is difficult to do and I still can't convince Becky that my second novel can star one of these women who are usually kept in the annoying sister category.

I also checked out a book by an author recommended by Andrea's brilliant co-writer sister name Norah Lofts- I have only read a couple pages of this book. She convinced me by quoting this line from one of her books "Well sir I am generally opposed to having my wife hanged." Now that is a classic romance hero's line- I was sold. I will let you know how I like her book. It looks like a bold writer to put her heroine in a house of ill repute. I do enjoy that.


Durrett Family Band said...

I have a few friends here who are huge Georgette Heyer fans. I need to get around to reading one of her books.