Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Charles Todd, Gorgette Heyer

I checked out some more Gorgette Heyer books from the library- they were great- they all kind of meld together in the mind but fun fluffy and end with the enterprising heroine kissing the rakish but deep down good bachelor no one ever thought would be caught. So predictable, so mindless, so funny, so fun. Thank you Gorgette Heyer. Also Becky and I have been debating whether she wrote in the 60's or the 20's and I did a little research and we were both right. She published her first novel in 1921 and her last in the 60s. I read her first published novel- The Black Moth and as you can tell from the title it was melodramatic and silly and involved a duke who was really a highwayman or the other way around. Just what you would expect from a 17 year old writing her first book. Thank goodness she improved with age.

I read one more Charles Todd- A Matter of Justice. Which I liked- maybe my favorite so far. I love how he is slowly slowly healing, and finding new scars over time. Just like any other shell shocked victim would. His pain and suffering are so real and compelling- for me the mystery is just the setting of his emotional story. Also Andrea and Kayli I thought you would like to know the series is written by a mother son team- interesting no?