Monday, September 8, 2008

Andrea's Book and a little not about Breaking Dawn

I LOVE this book (and not just because it was written by my kindred spirit dearest friend). I love YA fantasy. I think it is one of the areas with the best writting right now. With living writers like Gail Carson Levine and Shanon Hale- there is a lot of talent in this area. I felt this book would hold its own in this competitive area. Andrea and Kayli are equal or greater than these authors. The characters are so charming and likable- I like the format of letting the reader slowly discover the altered reality. The plot was strong and moved along at the right pace- which is rare in books by joint authors and books written in a letter format.

I think that the editors of the world should get off their heinies and publish this bestseller.

A little note about Breaking Dawn- I just really hate it so far. I admit I have had a problem with the marketing of this series from the begining- I think it is a fantasy romance, NOT a YA fantasy. This book is even more so this way- (I admit this is only a partial review since I am only 200 pages in). So far there is a lot of SEX- which is fine- but not in a YA book. Also- am I the only person in America who dosen't like Bella?


Becky said...

No, I hate bella, too. Brooke says the girls in her word have like two tattered copies and carry them around and pass them around at church...she says it's weird to see them talk about them and treat them with such awe - so she picked up my "twilight" to see what the fuss was all about...only a couple of hundred of pages in and I think she's going to be making a fuss - just not the right kind...