Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hello old friends

I know I have let this slide- a lot. And I am sure no one ever checks it any more. But I have this pile of books that are growing and will soon take over our house. These are just the ones that have stuck around the house. Any from the library or borrowed from friends are long gone. So here is a random and abbreviated list from the last year or so.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson So I read these because I was feeling like I was the last person on earth not carrying one of these books around in an airport. And they were a very good mystery. They were a little graphic for my taste. I liked the different and interesting characters but I didn't really connect with the main male protagonist. I did really connect with the main female. So I will probably read the third in the series but wouldn't be to comfortable recommending them because of their graphic nature.

Rasputin's Daughter by Robert Alexander This was one of the books for our book club. I don't think any one of us really liked it a ton. I have issues with historical fiction in general- and I think I have a hard time not being hyper critical. That being said I also didn't much care for the writing either- I also don't think I really like books about the tsar's family much either- just too much about that time.

Enemies of the People- My families Journey to America- Kati Morton. I really loved this book. It was one that L&H passed on to me. Ms Morton is a journalist who was raised in Communist Budapest by journalist parents. This book was written after she requests her parents secret police files. These files help illuminate a things she only remembered as a child. It is also an interesting look at the communist police state and the mistrust and constant anxiety one would have lived under. I really liked Kati's writting and the story is intriguing and fascinating. I real life spy story.

Finding Monsieur Right- by Muriel Zagah A silly little romance- the only thing I really remember was it was just silly.