Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins

I really liked these books- a fun fast read. Good for discussion topics. I was not in love with how the trilogy ended but I still liked them overall and recommend them. Kathy- I think that Genevieve. might like them but I am not sure of suitability- you should definitely read them first. I would say they are ideal for 13 and older. Good for boys and girls. These would be good books to read at the same time and use as a tool for philosophical discussions. Moral dilemma questions abound- how do you decide what is right? The Conley and Clove Families devoured these this summer and the handful of copies were making fast rounds around the big groups of readers. Some one always seemed to be reading one during the family reunion and there was many debates of who had priority reading in my family.


Kathy said...

Hi, Polly! Thanks for thinking of Genevieve. I have read these books, and Genevieve and I have talked about them. She said that all of the violent killing (kids at school have talked about it) doesn't interest her, and she doesn't want to read the books. Maybe she will rethink the issue when she is older . . . but maybe not. As for me, I liked the books (the first one especially), but they didn't "wow" me enough to recommend them highly to others. They were "good", but they just didn't "grip me"--I didn't want to stay up into the night reading them, like I did with the Immortal Games series by Cassandra Clare (love, love, loved those books!). Anyway, glad to see you are posting on your book blog again! Love, Kathy